Email signature & MS Teams background
Email signature & MS Teams background
Email signature & MS Teams background
How to set up the MS Teams anniversary background uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Download the image
- Right-click your mouse on ‘Save image as’.
- Save the image on your device, for example in the My Documents folder on your computer.
- Go to MS Teams
- In Teams, select 'Participate' from the channel or calendar
- Before joining the meeting, select ‘Background Filters’.
- Then select '+ add new' to choose the anniversary image as your background.
Want to set or change a background during a Teams meeting?
Click on the three dots at the top of the screen (to the right of the hand icon) and choose ‘Apply background effects’, then select the desired image.
How to set up the anniversary email signature uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Download the image
- Right-click your mouse on ‘Save image as’.
- Save the image on your device, for example in the My Documents folder on your computer.
- Go to Outlook and open a new email.
- Above the blank body of this email, click on ‘Signature’ and then go to the drop-down menu and select ‘Signatures’.
- Select the signature you would like to edit and open it.
- Scroll down and move the mouse to the position where you want to insert the anniversary image.
- Then click on the icon second from the right (the one showing an image and computer monitor) and locate the image you just saved.
- Add the image and click OK.